You Can’t Do It Alone!

You Can’t Do It Alone!

January 3rd, 2022

9:41 am

Whatever your role may be in this life from parenthood to CEO it’s nearly impossible to operate in these roles successfully without help from others. As a parent and as a childhood beneficiary I know it takes a village to raise a child. The village is in fact the first support system we encounter. I can tell you firsthand if not for that support system consisting of my grandmother, my favorite aunt, neighbors, friends and teachers, I would not be the man that I am today. One of the reasons my company has experienced significant growth this past year is because of a village like support system, I constructed. Much like the support system that helped me as I was growing up, I believed the type of team I would need to help me achieve my goals would share many of the same characteristics.

First and foremost, I believe your village, team or support system should include people who genuinely believe in you and your vision. Be careful of choosing people who offer conditional support.

They support you after you achieve a certain level of success
They support you if you’re not perceived as more successful
They support you but will try to make you feel obligated to them in some way
They support you because it’s the popular thing now

Secondly, you’ll need to assemble a group of mostly like-minded people whose varied life experiences, education and professional expertise will offer a diverse approach and viewpoint. A think tank of mostly like-minded people doesn’t mean you’ll have a team who will always agree. In fact, your growth is contingent upon selecting a support team that doesn’t always agree with you and can respectfully disagree amongst themselves. Another thing you’ll need is someone who will hold you accountable when it comes to acting on your goals. I can tell you it has been a “blessing” that hasn’t always been welcomed but totally necessary to my development as a leader. The individual on your team that holds you accountable plays a highly critical role because they also tend to serve as the person who will inform you of your blind spots. This individual is someone you feel most comfortable turning to for help and sharing your concerns. Your team should reflect an energy and passion for what you’re doing. They should mirror the culture/brand you have established for yourself and your business. And lastly as a leader you must understand that the support you receive from your team must be reciprocated if you want to achieve your goals. Why? Because in the end, you can’t do it alone!

In the Meantime Listen, stay focused, stay balanced.  

By – Kendo 

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